Legal note - IAGEH International Academy for Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization

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Legal note

Education outline

The spiritual-energetic harmonization with the MPK-methodic (MPK-Methode®) used to harmonization of spirit, soul and body and with it the care of health. It is no medical treatment. Medical instructions won't be changed or replaced by the GeEnergetiker®. The work of the GeEnergetiker® is to be seen as accompaniment and help to self-help.

The International Academy of Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization
(IAGEH) gladly works together with scientists, doctors, nonmedical practioners and psychologists.

The following terms are registered in the register of the German Patent- and Markenamt through the owner of the registered trademarks Mandy Protze-Kälberer and so legally protected:
MPK-Methode (register number 302010035631)
GeEnergetiker (register number 302012025403)
GeEnergetische Harmonisierung (register number 302012045504)

Only people who have completed their education as GeEnergetiker®
on the International Academy for Spiritual-Energetic Harmonization (IAGEH) successfully and are owners of a valid diploma have the right to call themselves GeEnergetiker®.

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